Saturday, May 20, 2017

OUGD602 - Developed Self Branding

New Logo Design

In the wake of my last year in eduction, it seemed necessary to develop upon my current self branding identity to a icon which is more clear cut and clean. The developed logo design builds upon the previous design however, issues were ironed out which I have now recognised after having a better knowledge of graphic principles. The new design is vectorised and infinitely scaleable, this allows the design to work on extremely small formats along with offering opportunity for methods such as embossing or debossing. This could be utilised on self branding business cards in the near future as my presence is ever growing with the meeting of new contacts and design studios. It is now deemed suitable to start work designing business cards for myself as this year I believe they will be properly utilised.

A final thought on the idea generation behind the logo is that I actually thought of the design whilst I was asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night and sketched this simple idea in my phone before falling back to sleep. This is not the first time that this has happened in recent months and I find it ever more incredible that my graphic practice is becoming that embedded within my subconscious that I am thinking of design even whilst unconscious.

Previous Logo Design

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