Friday, May 6, 2016

OUGD502 - Something More Design Studio Superhero Brief

For this day brief, we got tasked to create a superhero design who helps everyday situations which could help in real life. My final piece was a highly skilled soldier who could duplicate himself thousands of times to be used as peace keepers in cities all around the world. Inspiration came from the police system in the film 'Judge Dredd' where judges who looked very similar would be the law enforcement for a futuristic world. This superhero runs on a similar concept where he can duplicate himself into multiple people at one time who look the same and keep the peace in cities around the world.

Other more every day concepts were thought about in the ideas mind map below. These included more everyday super powers such as being able to put a USB pen in the USB port first time, every time and the superhuman power to time travel, but only forwards very slowly at a rate of 60 seconds per minute. These more humorous powers were quite hard to design a serious costume for which is why I ended up designing a more realistic super hero.

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