Saturday, February 24, 2018

OUGD602 - Aztec Sculpture Exhibition Visual Response

Whilst at the Henry Moore Institute in the blog post OUGD602 - Henry Moore Institute - Sculpture, I took photographs of many of the Aztec masks and sculptures. Instead of writing about the history of the sculptures and artwork etc... which would have been a pointless exercise, I instead decided to produce a visual graphic response to the piece depicting the way which I see these artefacts within my own modern practice. By doing this, I have attempted to portray how I see these pieces of art within my own head, I have contemporised the artefacts by adopting them into my own practice, taking influence from postmodern design aesthetics and image reappropriation.

After the success of this self set brief, I intend to continue to visit more historical exhibitions and produce similar visual outcomes using photography of the historical artefacts.

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