Friday, February 19, 2016

OUGD402 - Self Branding - Design Board Template Design and Typeface

I have created a base design board template which will be the main design scheme which will be implemented across all of my design boards. I have used modernist principles such as a sans serif font and a geometric design to represent my interest in all modernist aspects of art. The text has attempted to follow Fassett's principles of legible line length theory along with Vignelli's legible left alignment. I have also represented my interest in Black & White photography with the colour scheme which also keeps the design simple enough to not draw interest away from the images. The design has taken lots of inspiration from the design principles study task 8 which can be seen on my studio practice blog OUGD404 - Modernist and Post Modern Type Setting - Study Task 8 where we designed our own modernist and post modern examples for the poem 'The Mouses Tail'

The typeface chosen to represent all of my design boards is 'Orator STD' for its modernist aesthetics

I have also created a mock up for my conclusion and evaluation design boards. I have used modernist line art towards the bottom to signify the end of my design boards. Similar line art could be applied to the start of my design boards to signify the beginning to create a relationship between the start and the finish.

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