Friday, November 3, 2017

OUGD602 - Study Task 1 - You've Got Real Mail

For the PPP Study Task, 'You've Got Real Mail' we were tasked with sending something physical to one of our favourite design studios or artists in hope of a response. As I had already sent off one of my books to a few different studios and music artists at the end of Level 5, I thought that this could be a good opportunity to expand upon this. Therefore, I again reached out to the creative director at Mixmag (with whom I had been talking to regularly) and offered to conduct an interview for Mixmag in the coming weeks with the music artists 'Posthuman' as I have already hired them to headline my event for the brief, OUGD603 - Brief 1 - Event Management.

This is a possible opportunity to showcase not only my cinematography skills but also my confidence and team management.

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